Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Traveling around Texas

So, I probably won't post on here for awhile since I will be traveling all over the next couple of weeks.

Last week, the AC officially was fixed and they took money off our rent for all the trouble. Thank goodness that issue was solved after a month and a half! Very efficient.

This past weekend I went to Rachel's wedding! Meagan, Jessie James and Russell all came and spent the weekend in Dallas which was amazing. It was so great to catch up with Meagan and Jessie. I'm sure Russell was really annoyed by all the girl talk about weddings but he survived.

This Thursday I'll be flying to Houston. Russell and I will be spending three weeks in Houston, Waco, Dallas, and Galveston. Yes..lots of driving. Luckly we will be doing it in one car together. I'm excited to spend some more time with him and we will both get to enjoy a summer vacation for 3 weeks! If you are near any of those cities call us. We will be trying to visit everyone and spend time with people while we are there if possible.

I'll be returning to Dallas on August 20th and starting classes on August 21st! Just got some more news about my practicum for the Fall and it sounds like it is going to be an amazing opportunity. I can't say I'm not intimated by it though. I've never worked with adults so this will be quite an adventure!