I feel like those 3 things have been what the past few weeks have been. Most of you that know me well know that I have a strong passion about this election. I won't go into much detail but goodness something has got to change. I've been adamant about reading the news, watching the debates, etc. I actually feel like I'm voting for someone instead of against someone (Bush)! So I hope all of you go out and vote! I know in Texas it can seem pointless (for either party) but how could you complain about either candidate if you didn't do your part? Anyways...VOTE!
In school news, I'm meeting with my advisor tomorrow to create my Spring schedule. I can't believe it is that time again. I'm hoping to get some experience with children in a medical setting. I'll know more later. I'm still loving my practicum and classes are going well.
Fun news, I went to the UT v. Arkansas game...despite rude UT faculty/professors (yes, I was also rooting for UT)....the game was fun to watch! We are in the "go horns go" section, as my sister explains, for all you longhorn fans. I also spent the past weekend in Waco for the Baylor v. Oklahoma game. Considering OU was ranked #1 in the nation, Baylor stood little to no chance. However, being a Baylor fan I attend the games for the possible upset. Most of us never lose hope for that one upset of the season! There was no upset...only a pretty nasty score. Better luck this week!
Dallas has the Texas State Fair going on!! A ton of the Austin/Waco crew will be heading up to Dallas to enjoy the UT v. OU game. We are planning to tailgate at the fair! I don't know if I'm more excited about being in this atmosphere for the UT game or eating all the artery clogging food. I'll let you know how fried s'mores, jelly beans, and banana splits taste. Yes, those fried foods are all sold at the fair. Only in Texas, sick.
I'm looking forward to Baylor homecoming, float, and Meagan and Kelly coming back to Texas in 23 days!